Thursday, August 11, 2011

The Obligatory 'Hello World'

Hi and welcome all who'll like to take some time to read whatever is in my mind when I post here.

First let me deal with 2 questions I know I'm going to get:

1.- Why a blog?... Well, why not? I like writing, I love sharing my opinions with others, I like discussing interesting topics, in here at least I can vent whatever is in my head at any given point and put it out there, someone might find it useful, some might find it interesting, some won't give it a second glance, such is life.

2.- Why in English?... First off, as a Spanish speaking person I welcome the practice, and second the subjects I'll be dealing with have a standard audience that can read in English (yes, I'm including in there people from all over the world).

If you are here from the beginning you'll get accompany me into figuring out what this space will look like, if it will coalesce into a concentrated effort to discuss certain topics or if it will remain as eclectic in it's tastes as the author, for the time being expect to see a wide variety of subjects, heck, I'll even take requests, if you want my take on anything ask and I'll find a way to write about it, I'm a very opinionated person... One thing thou, if you want to know about what's going on in my personal life, you will not find that here, there are other venues for that and I use them.

Oh! I should probably take a solemn vow to update this space every such and such, probably at a God forgotten hour, not gonna happen, I'll update as much as I can, or as much as I want, I'll do my best to have an update at least once a week and sometimes it will be more often than that, beyond that, I can't promise.

For the civilians out there who didn't get the "Hello World" reference, it's a long standing joke among us IT guys, because those were the firs lines of code you ever learn, how to make a computer print a message on the screen (yes I do realize that any decent cellphone can do it all by itself nowadays).

See you next time!